Chrome Hearts Eyewear - Authorised Official Dealer

Vision Studio Optometrists is now an authorised official dealer of Chrome Hearts Eyewear in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Established in 1988, Chrome Hearts is a study in artistic freedom and persistence of vision.
From its inception as a leather motorcycle riding-gear company, Chrome Hearts has evolved into an obsession-inspiring label and a cultural phenomenon. Taking a design cue from its beginnings, the vast line includes handmade jewelry in sterling silver, gold, platinum, & precious stones; apparel, eyewear, luggage and leather goods; and handcrafted furnishings and home items in exotic woods.
With a decidedly relentless commitment to quality, almost every product is designed, manufactured and produced in small quantities to ensure absolute attention to detail at the factory in Hollywood, California.
Chrome Hearts, founded and owned by the Stark Family, opened the first freestanding store in New York City in 1996. More than twenty years later, Chrome Hearts has twenty-five stores globally including the United States, Europe and Asia and can be found in the most exclusive boutiques around the world including the United States, Europe and Asia and can be found in the most exclusive boutiques around the world including Bergdorf Goodman in NY, Colette in Paris and Selfridges in London.
The Stores offer an aesthetic purity that mirrors the original Chrome Hearts ethos in form and artisanship with each facet of the interior, from floor to ceiling, meticulously hand-worked.
Chrome Hearts' frame front is constructed from handmade Japanese/Italian acetate that's been tumbled for 72hours. The temple is beta-titanium with a micro-filigree border decorated with 18K gold plated CH Floral Cross detail.
Celebrities: Bella Hadid, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Karl Lagerfeld, Kylie Jenner,
克羅心(Chrome Hearts),是著名荷里活奢侈品牌由Richard Stark, Leonard Kamhout, John Baumann三人於1988年一同創立。早期只提供客戶訂單,其後於1996年在紐約曼哈頓第六十四街開設首間專門店。目前全球專門店分設於美國、日本、香港、巴黎、倫敦、台北、首爾及北京。
Chrome Hearts帶有中世紀藝術的宗教精神,在優美的弧線與染黑的陰影之下,營造出獨特而迷人的豐采。它還是充滿搖滾風格的銀飾,其強烈的原創設計性一直穩據銀飾品牌王座。
來自美國的銀飾在東亞地區一直人氣大盛。早於1988年Chrome Hearts品牌創立初期,香港明星成龍、劉德華、梅豔芳、鍾鎮濤、葉童、杜德偉已開始收藏Chrome Hearts的產品。黎明曾在1992年穿著Chrome Hearts皮褸拍攝劇集《原振俠,謝霆鋒更在他的《2000年Viva live》演唱會中佩戴Chrome Hearts的服飾演出。
歷來亦有很多荷里活名人和搖滾樂手及亞洲藝人愛戴Chrome Hearts:如《Aerosmith》樂隊主音Steven Tyler,《Guns N' Roses》吉他手史萊許,《CHANEL》首席設計師Karl Lagerfeld,《VOGUE》法國版總編輯Carine Roitfeld。還有日本藝人木村拓哉、濱崎步、堂本光一,台灣偶像羅志祥、吳建豪、關穎,中國演員趙薇、黃曉明、趙文卓、潘粤明,吳亦凡,韓國歌手組合Rain、BIGBANG、2NE1等等。
銀器飾物對一眾型人而言,始終有一股醉人的魅力。由上世紀九十年代初的Harley Davidson,到最近才到香港開店的DITA及Justin Davis Jewels等,均成為型人隨身恩物。別以為這類重金屬銀器難登時尚大雅之堂,Chrome Hearts就曾于1992年,榮登CFDA配飾設計師大獎,全力上陣型格十足之餘,更盡顯時尚觸覺。
Chrome Hearts Eyewear Collection 有別於一般眼鏡, 約需6~7個月的時間開發和設計。 Chrome Hearts Eyewear Collection花費共19個月的時間研造, 以最高標準去製作每一支眼鏡, 使用的材質包括Chrome Hearts標準的925純銀製作, 眼鏡則是從早期於意大利人手製造,期後改由日本萬中選一的工廠完成。
除了純銀外,Chrome Hearts精選稀有的木材、皮革、甚至貂毛、18k白金、22k黃金、寶石等, 其目的在打造出全世界最高級, 最高價及前所未見的眼鏡收藏品。
發行Chrome Hearts Eyewear Collection則是業界最前衛的領導者Optical Shop International擔任。